The Magic Realist

Being * Doing * Having, The Magic Realist, Magic Realism

Ask a child what he wants to be when he grows up.
He will tell you most certainly what that will be.
That’s because he is centered. He has not learned how
To add doubt to his judgement. He lives in the now.
What is fixed in the mind’s eye is rightful to see.
The child’s measure of joy is as kettle to cup.

We can be, do or have anything that is thought.
This fine truth is as old as the makers of time.
Children know this until they are programmed to not.
It’s the way of society. Most have forgot
That the secret to living in wonder sublime
Is to follow one’s dreaming towards that which is sought.

Children ask lots of ‘why?’ and expect us to tell
As they see us as wiser than they at the start.
Then when they become older, they see how confused
And beset with obsession with being abused
We can be. And to them it seems we’ve made an art
Of subverting ambition and making life hell.

Ask yourself why you want it – that which you desire.
It will then become active. This universe has
Every means that is known and unknown to provide
The reality dreamt of and worked toward with pride.
The dreams of the children have worth just as much as
Those of anyone with the good will to reach higher.

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