The Magic Realist

Am I Creating Nasty Chemistry?

Much of illness, some find, has its root in the mind.
So how do I prevent its beginning, pray tell?
Can I reach in and heal it before it gets sick?
Illness isn’t a speed freak. It doesn’t move quick
Unless ill thinking quickens where hurt feelings dwell.
My disease and bad thinking are well intertwined.

If my hand ups and slaps me, has something gone wrong?
I would call that an ailment. But what should be done?
Is a case for handectomy or a strong pill
Indicated to separate action from will?
If my hand did betray me, that would not be fun.
It’s a blessing that most parts of me get along.

If I think of a tiger, some changes take place
In my whole body chemistry. This is a fact.
If I think about flowers, my body will know
Therapeutic enhancement. Indeed, it may glow.
How I think through the day will instruct how I act.
It is up to my thinking to yield healing grace.

All of this has been studied… this chemistry thing.
There’s no rational reason for sickness to be.
I exist in a toxic soup I can’t escape,
But I can use my mind to, in essence, reshape
Chemical elements somewhat like alchemy,
To me, solace and wellness does good science bring.

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