The Magic Realist

Does This Thought Satisfy Me?

The Most Important Question

You want to allow your dream to gestate within
Your vortex of creation. The way that you feel
Is your guidance toward everything you desire.
As you practice believing you have the entire
Universe working for you, conditions ideal
Coalesce. Allow the momentum to begin.

When you feel, you vibrate. You know this for a fact.
Your thoughts generate feelings. There are different
Frequencies of vibration from despair to bliss.
Thoughts that don’t satisfy you, you cease and dismiss
Before they gain momentum. Your conscious intent
Is to keep your high vibration fully intact.

Is this thought satisfying? If not, Let It Go!
If it is, though, continue to milk the feeling
For its full worth. Let other thoughts like it begin
To amass in the consciousness. What mood you’re in
Can’t be faked, so it is not worth your concealing.
Don’t ‘fake it ‘til you make it.’ This will bring you woe.

If someone cuts you off in traffic, you may think
It to be an unkind and unnecessary
Thing to do. Does this thought put you in a good place?
When someone yields to you, you will think thoughts of grace
Then pass on the blessing to others happily.
Keep aware of your thinking. It keeps you in sync.

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