The Magic Realist

Root Knowledge

Ancient Wisdom

When the crisis is over, what then must take place
Is to seek realignment. Renewed consciousness
Is primordial revelation of the things
That will bring about peace wherein true freedom rings.
Tapping deeply into our nature, we access
Understanding sufficient for healing our race.

Revolution is ugly, as it reflects vice
On the grandest of order. With all up in arms
About what we’re becoming, reliance on hope
Is a dance of neurosis upon a tightrope
That has lost half its tautness. Our spirit it harms.
Tyranny controls souls at an ominous price.

  We believe it is happening only because
Of whatever conspiracy theory fits well.
Nonetheless, we’re in trouble – the worst ever known.
Now that there’s a good chance that the wicked be thrown
To the demos of justice, the emergent spell
Cast upon us is reason for heartfelt applause.

With the focus undeviating and direct
To the point of our purpose and what we stand for,
We can implement change for the better in pride
For maintaining commitment all through the hell ride.
I can be more than hopeful for what is in store
For a people who will once again know respect.

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