The Magic Realist


Regaining Control

Who’s all for making changes that offer relief
From the hell that we suffer all due to our greed?
Don’t all answer at once. It’s a hard thing to do.
How much more has to happen before it gets through
To our weakened entranced states? How will we be freed
From the trauma befallen a nation in grief?

Questions do need some answers when lives are at stake
Even though they’re withheld as is so with a scam.
If we’re not meant to find them then we have no hope
And citizenship means that in horror we cope
With a lawless commander who can’t give a damn.
Will it be him or us first who comes wide awake?

Those who line up with evil at some point will fall
Hard and heavy like towers not built to withstand
The bulldozer of justice and popular rule.
The swamp is now a virtual Russian cesspool.
Government reflects not how a thug plays his hand
But how well the top leader will uphold the law.

There’s an art to influence – a science as well
Discerning the intentions of others is part
Of the art when the dealing done behind closed doors
Involves personal payoffs and rumors of wars.
What we need is a miracle or a new start.
In this case, they’re the same. There’s no shame as I tell.

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