The Magic Realist

A Cut Through The Chase

A Reawakening to 'The Dream'

Is the chasing of wild geese more right than the tame?
What the mind will run after without a real goal
Is its own misperceptions that grow out of fear
That the ways of seclusion may soon disappear.
With no sense of direction they need the control
Of an arrogant leader who knows not of shame.

It is through repetition the con game is played.
In most rapid succession the lies that are spewed
Are the same, yet each has an ill-fated effect
On those ones of us programmed to withhold respect
For select populations. The urge to exclude
In the hearts of so many makes children afraid.

Citizens not susceptible happen to be
In a group with one label. In monochrome view,
Some enact their nostalgia for the good old days.
The intense subtle training through pre-adult phase
Melds the mind’s microprocessor for what to do
When they’re called to hate duty spontaneously.

Is the way to cut through this simply to take part
In what I am a part of by natural right?
Does it mean feeling troubled and losing much sleep
Keeping up with the counting of sycophant sheep
Planning ways to do harm to me, and there’s no fight?
What I can do is write more, as it calms my heart.

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