The Magic Realist

Why All The Frigging Space?

There is space between everything – big things and small.
Were all space nonexistent, what then would remain?
Everything would be shrunk down to minuscule size.
Mass and energy would don a different disguise
But in terms of expansion, there would be no gain.
Self-contained Singularity… Does this enthrall?

It Should Not! It’s a notion for purposes of
Entertainment by threading the mind through the eye
Of the needle traversing the fabric of thought.
It is with exploration true knowledge is sought.
There is much more space than any thing else, but why?
Would I be disrespectful if push came to shove?

I’ve been told that the reason there is so much space
Is because it provides room. Much room with a view
Into infinite vistas is what we behold.
Matter is but the framework for journeys untold.
Is there room for improvement? What more can I do
To add something of value to my human race?

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