The Magic Realist

Soap On The Brain Syndrome

These darned kids, nowadays, must have Soap On The Brain.
It’s that newfangled illness that’s talked about much.
No one knows where it came from. Perhaps it’s from soap.
They are clearly too full of themselves. I can’t cope
With these youngsters who sound off to adults and such.
Is their purpose for living to drive us insane?

Yes, it’s Soap On The Brain Syndrome without a doubt.
There’ve been studies on soap suds of various kinds.
One would think they’d all brainwash to make the kid good
But they do just the opposite of what they should.
One good reason for pills is to shut down their minds
So that they are obedient. That’s the best route.

God knows children today are so matter of fact.
They will speak their truth loudly so that they are heard.
They will take to life, each in extravagant ways
And remember a lifetime of wonderful days.
Once our need to control them is seen as absurd
We will see we’re the ones who should clean up our act.

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