The Magic Realist

How To Succeed

There are two basic forces at play within me.
One is self-preservation – the need to build walls
To keep that which is not self from taking what’s mine.
Separation is useful. In it I define
A safe structure. The ego self rarely recalls
Where it last left its faith in things that it can’t see.

At the same time, expansion does motivate me.
I must break through the walls that define who I am.
This does seem rather opposite, yet it is fact.
They’re two sides of the same coin with meaning intact.
To detach from what’s limited is a program
I would do well to follow and most faithfully.

To succeed is to balance these two forces well.
Walls are built to be broken then built up again
And again until all involved come to some sense
That there’s no movement forward with all the expense.
I can say I’m successful, and truthfully, when
I can grow far beyond self, yet within self dwell.

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