The Magic Realist

Good JuJu

When one speaks of Good JuJu, what could that imply?
Probably it was hijacked and sold as a slave.
But, at present, it means magic of the best kind.
Esoteric immersion can be self-defined.
To receive information from folks past the grave
Is a most common practice. Deception is why.

In the dense, fleshy body, one can conceal truth.
One can hide behind masks that the ego has made.
People don’t ordinarily read others’ minds,
So we tend to get tricky with games of all kinds.
We can even be driven to drink The Kook-Aid
And bring heartfelt resentment to the polling booth.

There is lots of Good JuJu, the best antidote
To the sickening mojo that would have its way
Were it not for the talents of some gifted few
Who, with enhanced discernment, and keen insight too,
Help to sort out the truth from untruth day by day.
Simple freedom from fantasy they do promote.

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