The Magic Realist

Difference And Remainder

Difference And Remainder – two separate words,
One is used in subtraction. The other, reserved
For division, can offer confusion for some
But not so difficult it can’t be overcome.
Since in math, all distinctions must be well observed,
It is best to respect them – at least for the nerds.

Difference between minuend and subtrahend
Is the heart of one matter. Words aim to make sense.
So, the minuend is the big number on top
Though it can be the small one but it does not drop
To the bottom. It will not commit that offense.
That which is to be taken is what we suspend.

Now, there could be a difference that still remains.
But remainders are leftovers from the process
Of division when all grouping is not exact.
What remains may be wanted or banished from fact.
Differences are treated, then, just a tad less
Than remainders. Is this why the weary child strains?

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