The Magic Realist

Amazon Used To Be A Rainforest

Earth Monitization

In the heart of the Amazon stark terror reigns
In the form of a mastermind focused on need
To be someone outstanding in all life’s affairs.
But what of our earth mother? …The hell if he cares.
The intent that’s been hijacked all because of greed
Is now yanked from our consciousness. Bullshit remains.

What to think of a phrase such as ‘Amazon Prime?’
It sounds more like a choice cut of rainforest beef.

It remains though a green place. There’s big money there.
Any name with virginity needs to beware
That some jerk with a master plan will be its thief.
Soon our toolbox of nouns and verbs will escape time.

‘Amazon’ is a good name. It should not be lost
To the whim of big business. Let’s leave words alone.
They’re conceived to bring meaning and make things more clear.
We’ve devolved to the point where no words are held dear.
If you think my concern is a bit overblown
Think of misunderstandings and all that they cost.

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