The Magic Realist

A Sicker Present Means A Weller Future

I’ve come down with thick growth, but I’ve been here before.
It is not like I’ve never been sick in my life.
Yet, I tend to recover and get stronger still.
That my children betray me is not of my will.
They confuse what is natural with what is strife
And they act as if they think their mother’s a whore.

This disease that I have is not such a big deal.
I could take it or leave it, and I have my way
With all life that comes forth from me and by my grace.
I can beat my dear children at any arms race.
So, what reason is there to allow them to stay?
It’s a noble chance spin of the grand karmic wheel.

I will get better soon as this wave washes past.
There have been many wars now, and that’s a sure sign
That my children have grown up and will soon leave home
And find more earthlike planets to conquer and roam.
One might think that my sickness is rather benign
As it lacks in significance and cannot last.

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