The Magic Realist

A Glutton For Calamity

The Food of Life

Simple pleasures in living, like toasting mushrooms,
Being loyal and supportive, and eating good food,
Make living satisfying demonstrably so.
Your cheerful disposition you’re honored to show
To your close friends and family. Faith is renewed
In kindheartedness as your example assumes.

A sincere confidante, you rodent overweight
Fulfill need for encouragement. You’re most impressed
By uncommon abilities in others seen.
Your acknowledgement of them is fairly routine.
Tolerance is a virtue that can manifest
Fresh insights and creations to mitigate hate.

Some ideas you may not at all first comprehend.
That makes not a big difference. You persevere,
Trusting knowledge will come in the time that it takes
For the soul to recover from fearful outbreaks.
It takes not long for your best self to reappear.
In the long run, you always remain a dear friend.

Your calamitous capers by passion are fed.
From beginning to end, each one as it unfolds,
Is a lesson suggestive of keeping carefree
And appreciative in the highest degree.
You may not know completely what your future holds
But always you have reason for looking ahead.

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