The Magic Realist

Screw What Is True

Changing Realities

Making money is difficult. Some say it’s true.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until manifestations give you evidence
Which is proof of your thinking. It makes perfect sense
That there must be an undeniable linking
Between your thoughts and what is happening to you.

If what’s already happening doesn’t fulfill
Your desires, then you must change your expectation.
Find another thought. Train your chronic thought to match
That of what you want. It’s important to detach
From the truth of the matter. In your frustration
You will not succeed through the power of your will.

“But it’s true!” That is a screwy criterion
For you to give your attention to anything.
What is true is true only because it was thought
Into being, then the reality was bought
Line, hook, and sinker. Nothing but harm does it bring.
Is all truth such that it can be relied upon?

Is the truth one that you want to experience?
If so, then keep your focus on it, but if not,
Then ignore it. It means very little to you
To embrace the negative though it may be true.
Expectation is the thing that matters a lot.
For you, it is a matter of significance.

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