The Magic Realist

Pointed In The Proper Direction

The Best Way

You are always emanating a vibration,
And the Law of Attraction is responding to
Whatever that vibration is. What you think and
What you feel, therefore what manifests, understand
That they’re always a vibrational match. So, you
Have control over much of your situation.

If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted,
Then you’re marching toward something that, when it comes,
You won’t like. If you’re beating the drum of something
That you want, when it comes, much delight it will bring.
You know how to tap into the infinite sums
Of blessings universal. You’re never daunted.

Every creation is complete in the mind’s eye,
Long before you can sense physical evidence
Of its realness. Life experience has caused you
To ask, and it is given. From your point of view,
 Every unfolding moment is filled with suspense.
You attract unto you without having to try.

Get a good sense of how true that vibrational
Creation is. When you do, you’ll never again
Doubt that it can become manifested for you.
Point yourself in the direction that is most true
To your positive spirit. You will prosper then.
Life can be something wonderfully supernal.

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