The Magic Realist

Manifestation Is Coming Your Way


In the morning is the best time to meditate.
It need not be a big deal. Just take a big yawn
And a stretch. Take in the feeling of the new day.
Do not let the good feeling you have slip away.
Take the time that you need to embrace the new dawn.
Do whatever it takes to remain in that state.

You are naturally a good feeling being.
You need not make things difficult. Appreciate
The freedom of the moment. Stay there for as long
As you want. Your day then will be a joyful song.
Don’t be surprised by all the treasures that await
Your possession. To you your knowing is freeing.

Law of Attraction provides for you a consistent
Life experience over which you have control.
By not finding a not feeling good thought you can
Remain happy. You can always feel better than
You do at any moment. You can become whole
In a short while. It’s a powerful time segment.

Find and maintain that frequency of feeling good
The first thing in the morning before you begin
To remember all the things you’d like to forget.
Once you get that momentum going you can let
The day turn out to be a game that you can win.
That you will manifest things is well understood.

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