The Magic Realist

Make It Come

Inspirational Wear

Of this whole darned deliberate creation thing
I don’t have an understanding. I’m on the brink
Of a wonderful thing coming my way, but I
Can’t not notice its absence. The harder I try
To ignore it, the more negative thoughts I think.
What I’m going through is rather interesting.

What I want and its absence are joined at the hip.
So, how am I going to stop noticing that
What I want isn’t here yet? Think about something
Other than what I want? What on earth can that bring
But frustration? Engaging in mortal combat
With oneself is in no way a positive trip.

Give more airtime to other things that uplift you –
Not to things that upset you. You can’t keep doing
What you’re doing and get something different than
What you’re getting. You can manifest a new plan.
Anything that’s delightful is worth pursuing.
Don’t be tempted to feel bad whatever you do.

Make an end run around your negative feeling.
Understand the emotional scale and that you
Are the creator of your own reality.
Keep your focus upon that which is already
Going well. Then the chance of your dream coming true
Is made much better. Now isn’t this appealing?

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