The Magic Realist

Let The Money In

Money In Hand

There’s a bunch of abundance. It’s waiting for you
To behold and to have. It comes as no surprise
That your hopefulness leads to your satisfaction.
You know now that it’s never about the action.
It’s about allowing yourself to realize
All the pleasure of having your wishes come true.

You may be surrounded by those who don’t want you
To look foolish or in some way delusional.
They would rather you not stick your head in the sand
But the thing about life that they don’t understand
Is that when you ask it’s for certain that it shall
Be given. They have issues with this point of view.

‘Telling it like it is’ is highly regarded
But it will also hold ‘like it is’ forever
Where it is. You’ll be stuck there indefinitely.
Tell the world and the universe a new story
Where the wealth you envision will surely occur.
The story you’ve been telling can be discarded.

Whether it’s true or not makes not a difference
To the universe. It knows but the vibration
That has been activated. It will then respond
To your story with detail that reaches beyond
Your own wonderfully wild imagination.
Be prepared for magnificent times to commence.

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