The Magic Realist

Get Ready To Receive

Present In The Present

Getting into the receptive mode is easy.
You are in it several times throughout your day.
When you change lanes in traffic you get an impulse
To do so. Intuition you cannot divulse
From your system of sensing. It is your main way
Of receiving. You are this way naturally.

You can use meditation to quiet the mind.
This enhances your readiness. When you’re detached
From your thoughts you enter a state of total peace.
This is helpful whenever you want to release
Incongruent thought patterns. This then will have hatched
A new understanding with which to be aligned.

You can’t think about bills when you’re focused upon
The dripping of a faucet or a ticking clock.
Let your mind settle into inactivity.
Once you connect in this way you usually
Will become more receptive. By taking more stock
In your spirit it’s your happiness you act on.

You’ve been in the receiving mode much more than you
Realize. Do it on purpose then come to know
The relationship between your thoughts and the things
That occur in your life. Your receptiveness brings
Everything unto you so allow it to flow.
There is not much else that you are required to do.

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