The Magic Realist

Focus On What You Want


It’s a simple suggestion but one that must be
Offered constantly. Often we seem to forget
That to focus on what we want is important.
There’s no logical reason why anyone can’t
Keep a positive outlook. Life isn’t a threat
When you change your perception of reality.

You are vibration first and foremost, so you’re a
Being mostly nonphysical and you emit
A vibration. It draws unto you things that are
Of the same frequency. You are never too far
From whatever you think is to your benefit
And the laws of the universe you must obey.

Now, in terms of an illness you’re starkly aware
Of the pain. It’s intense and it’s overwhelming.
But you have to look past the dark reality
And know that you’ve created vibrationally
A condition of wellness that you can now bring
Into your healing moment of loving self-care.

Jesus healed people this way. He flat out refused
To see illness in anyone. He saw only
Perfect wellness so everyone he was around
Benefited. His focus was truly profound.
Don’t put any attention on reality.
Use the power that thankfully can’t be misused.

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