The Magic Realist

All In Perfect Timing


It’s okay that some things haven’t manifested.
What I have now is plenty. No longer have I
The belief that I have to have everything now.
When I’m thankful for what I have, then I allow
More to come. It’s a helpful rule I can live by.
In good time I’ll receive all that I’ve requested.

There’s an old belief system that I’m trying to
Rid myself of that says that I’m here to prove my
Worthiness. My inner being knows my value.
That I am of great worth is what it knows is true.
Some beliefs that I have now no longer apply.
I’ve achieved a much more positive point of view.

I want to eat the fruit that is ripe and ready
To be eaten – not that which has not come into
Its fullness. So I must learn to prioritize.
Brimming with fruit the tree is. My life is likewise
And All In Perfect Timing the things that I do
To partake of the harvest will benefit me.

There’s no struggle involved. I need not sacrifice
Anything. There was never a reason to be
Dedicated to duty and getting things done.
I believe in the system of satisfaction
In the moment. My goal is to live happily
Ever after without having to pay the price.

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