The Magic Realist

Avalanche Of Abundance

Onslaught Of Blessings

We’re a nation of freedom I’d like to believe.
If the word has some meaning then manifold are
The kinds people conceive of. The freedom To Be
Is what they all boil down to. When I think of free
It means infinite resources. This may be far
From what many may think of. I am that naïve.

If my funds became infinite I could fulfill
Many dreams of a lifetime, but more important,
Fear and inconvenience would no longer exist.
I would shine like the sun and would rarely be pissed.
I would no longer be using the words, “I can’t.”
Every moment of each day would be such a thrill.

These are positive aspects of simply living.
Focusing on the things I like best is the way
To deliberately think a better feeling
Though until I’ve trained myself to instantly bring
About total alignment. This way I can stay
In a mood that is wonderful and life-giving.

Everything is vibration. There’s no exception
To this law of the universe. It’s absolute
In that everything vibrates at a frequency.
 I can tune myself to getting lots of money
But the more proper and more significant fruit
Is the satisfaction for the inner work done.

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