The Magic Realist

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.

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