The Magic Realist

The Dominance Of Wellbeing

Taking It In

You consist of vibration. When you’re up to speed
With who you truly are your whole world opens wide
To accept you. The larger part of you maintains
Your vibration. Relax as the good feeling gains
Momentum. Let the feeling that you have inside
Inundate you then at alignment you’ll succeed.

You can count on The Dominance Of Wellbeing
Despite all the insane chatter coming from those
Who insist that the whole world is falling apart.
Certainly there are those who are absent of heart
But the sheer perfection of the universe shows
That the divine is the essence of everything.

When you’re not up to speed you’re just not. It’s not an
Indictment of your worthiness. It’s a true guide
To help you to ascend the emotional scale.
When you feel this way don’t go into much detail.
Your goal in each moment is to be satisfied.
Emphasize what’s going well as much as you can.

Infinite Source is at your back now and always.
It’s so easy to let it in once you believe
That you’re made of vibration and that you can be
In a place where you’re living your life happily.
All you need do is allow yourself to receive
Your huge share of wellbeing throughout all your days.

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