The Magic Realist

Influence Versus Assertion

More Flies With Honey

It’s been said that you can catch more flies with honey
Than with vinegar. Does this imply that the flies
Favor honey? I know what is meant by the claim,
But it’s cumbersome. People come up with some lame
Little tidbits to help us to become more wise.
Can one wonder what vinegar does for the bee?

What this saying means is that there’s no assertion
In a universe based on attraction, therefore
You can influence someone but you cannot be
The creator of another’s reality.
By your visualizing you can achieve more
In the way you communicate with everyone.

Find your power. You don’t know what it is until
You find your alignment with who you really are.
Your power of influence cannot be denied
When with your inner being you’re truly allied.
When you witness your power you’re not very far
From being able to share with others goodwill.

Are you feeling your power? Can you recognize
That a general daydream about someone who
You find difficult can change things for the better?
Your influence can be an awesome pacesetter
For the people in the vicinity of you.
On this power you can fully capitalize.

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