The Magic Realist

Be The Change

Make It Happen You Damned Self!

The darkness may be part of an intricate plan
To keep hell alive on earth. The world and its ways
Are atrocious, heartbreaking, and doomed to despair.
Yet, there is a great number of people who care
About life on this planet. Do we give them praise?
Or do we criticize people who say, “I Can!”?

What can you contribute that would do any good?
Don’t listen to the voice that says, “It’s just no use.
I’d be wasting my time, effort, and energy.
Too far out of control this world happens to be.”
Nothing but indolence will this thinking produce.

The still small voice within you can be understood.

All of us have some work to do while we are here.
Everyone has a purpose. Offering something
Of yourself to the problem can make your life whole.
Life can work through and use you. Let it take control.
Be the change that you want. Let the universe bring
You impulses and guidance. Your purpose is clear.

How will you serve the world? What does it need that your
Special talent can offer? The effect that you
Have on others can be the most valuable
Currency that there is. Do be ever grateful
To be the instrument of change. All that you do
Is from love or fear. Which one is of more splendor?

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