The Magic Realist

Perfect Timing

At One With Eternity

Things exist and they move about. As we perceive
Things existing and moving, time is created.
It is perfect because it came from the big bang.
From that one event everything that we know sprang.
To the concept of time we are dedicated.
To think otherwise is to be daftly naïve.

Nothing asserts itself. It’s about attraction.
I prepare the environment for unwanted
Situations to become my reality
Through my practice, then, what I don’t want comes to be.
Only by insecurity am I haunted.
What is the proper way to get what I want done?

Sometimes things seem to force their way into being.
That is never the case. I attract them to me,
Although I may not be aware of doing it.
Being more conscious would be to my benefit.
As I clean up my vibration, I am set free
To explore more alternative ways of seeing.

Things occur not in response to words or actions
But through vibration. Perfect Timing is the way
Of the universe, and I have enough control
Over when, where, and how things will happen. My goal
Is to sync with the Timing. It can be child’s play.
I’m fully prepared for upcoming attractions.

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