The Magic Realist

A Magic Recipe

Conjured Panacea

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is to be happy. The result is expansion
Of who you are. The answer to any issue
Is, Get Happy. More than anything you can do,
How you feel has much to do with what you get done.
The most important thing is that you feel your best.

How do I find the love of my life? Get Happy!
What about my finances? The answer’s the same.
How do I deal with the injustice that exists
In a dangerous world where much hatred persists?
You must know that it is a small part of the game
That is played here. It’s not the way it has to be.

You’ve been trying the impossible for so long
By your looking at things that oppose who you are.
There will come a time when you will have to decide
Which is of more importance. Don’t take things in stride.
Stay away from those things that are not up to par
With you wishes. Your will, in this case, must be strong.

The more you practice looking in the direction
Of what you want, the easier it will become.
You’re offering a vibration where only good
Things can flow to you, and by all goodness, they should.
Recipes for alignment originate from
Being Happy. It is the only solution.

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