The Magic Realist

The Clues Are Being Given

Constant Help

Dreaming is not a crime, but indeed if it were
Then life would be a crime scene with infinite clues.
If believing in wonderful things were a sin
Would there be room for comfort within one’s own skin?
Through the contrast we sort, and the thoughts that we choose
We would most want to lead to things that we prefer.

You can never give up a dream, but sometimes you
Mitigate the resistance, then the dream comes true.
Once life causes you to want something, it is done.
All cooperative components have begun
To assemble. The only thing you have to do
Is to watch for and gain from each God given clue.

Accept that it’s vibration that moves everything
And brings life into focus. All that we perceive
Is at first a vibration before it is real
To the physical senses. The way that you feel
Determines the nature of the things you receive.
How vibration works is rather fascinating.

The intelligent universe is part of you.
It knows what makes you tick and what you have asked for
Since your very beginning. It offers guidance
To the path least resistive in your circumstance.
All that’s not on your path you are free to ignore.
The clues are being given. You must follow through.

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