The Magic Realist

Is This Thought Satisfying?


All people have the freedom to think as they please
And there’s so much to ponder. The good, the bad, and
The ugly become a whirlpool in the psyche.
Thoughts flow into and out of the mind randomly.
Is it possible then for one to take command
Of one’s thinking and do so with relative ease?

Through your conscious awareness of thoughts as they come
You can get out ahead of each. Ask yourself this:
“Is This Thought Satisfying?” If you can’t answer
Yes to this then stop thinking it. It may recur
But each time it does it’s easier to dismiss.
To your bad thinking you do not have to succumb.

If it is satisfying then keep it going.
You want to carry that feeling as far as you
Can take it. Milk it for everything that it’s got.
As you do so you are building up a whole lot
Of momentum so you have little work to do.
The wellbeing you feel will be overflowing.

A bad feeling thought, if it’s caught really early,
Can be refocused. Then it gains no momentum.
If however you wait too long it will grab hold
Of you consciousness for a while. You’ll be controlled
By the thought until you’ve decided to become
Satisfied in your thinking most positively.

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