The Magic Realist

Everything Will Change

Feeling Good Break

What could I do right now? What could I focus on
That will make me feel better? The question is key
If I ask it correctly. Things are going well.
By the way that I’m feeling inside I can tell
That my life is almost where I want it to be.
Most of my negative feelings have up and gone.

To move myself as quickly as possible to
A place of complete happiness happens to be
The reason I’m alive. What can I do to sync
Up more fully with my spirit? Is there a link
Where I can communicate with it directly?
I suspect that there’s nothing that I need to do.

I find myself in that state every single day,
But it only last moments. If I can stay there
Long enough, then what happens is that there’s a change
In the way the world treats me. I don’t find it strange
That, at will, I can do this. I simply must care
More about feeling better the natural way.

I do it by my recognizing when I feel
Pretty good. Then I’ll milk it for all that it’s worth.
“Why does this moment feel good?” I get to explore
Everything about this moment that I adore.
With some practice I become accustomed to mirth.
Everything Will Change to what I think is ideal.

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