The Magic Realist

A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

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