The Magic Realist

This Mirror Called Life

Who enjoys a good puzzle? I think we all do.
It is good therapy for the indigent mind.
I don’t make life a riddle. It is on its own.
I can complicate matters, but what I am shown
Is a whole world of images, some ill-defined,
But all reflecting all that reflects all that’s true.

There is manifold evidence life is a bore
If I trick myself into believing it’s true.
I could turn on devices and get them to share
What we most have in common that we can compare.
But devices turn off just like real people do.
Life’s a game and a puzzle obsessed with a score.

I can’t stimulate others to what rings my bell.
That’s a matter of free will I’m doomed to respect.
If this world knew about me, you’d be in my case.
You would find somethings on me to cause me disgrace.
My most valued reflections of life are suspect
To the mirrors of scrutiny I know too well.

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