The Magic Realist

Every Emotion I Feel Is Guidance

The emotions I feel are sound counsel for me
From my inner being who always adores.
I am offered a strong, steady signal to feel
If I’m tuned in to joy or the practiced ordeal
Of unwanted resistance and tightly closed doors
To most every solution that could ever be.

The better I feel, the more aligned I am
With the true self within me who tells me which way
I should judge any moment, for better or worse.
I respect my emotions. They are not a curse.
The choice between laughing and crying all day
Is one made on purpose through current program.

And by the same token, the worse that I feel,
The more out of alignment I know I must be.
If I reach for emotions I know will feel good
Any challenge I meet will be well understood
As a blessing that surely will help me to see
That I can reach for joy and a life that is real.

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