The Magic Realist

Rectocephalic Dementia

When one seeks legal counsel, look for a good mouse…
One who thinks he can bullshit his way past a cat.
He must be dumb and arrogant, piggish and mean,
And the grossest historian damned to be seen.
He should be managed well with the brain of a gnat
But kept clear of the pantry within the outhouse.

We all know that a stuffed mouse can kick a cat’s ass.
That is, if he is fool enough to think that way.
In his sick mind, he throws the cat balls of catnip.
But the cat, not indulgent, does not give a rip.
The loud mouse thinks that somehow he’ll make the cat’s day.
If that happened, the ass of the mouse would be grass.

But it is anyway. How this big cat will play
Is a mystery. He keeps his plan under hat.
How does once a good leader become what is now
A most derelict specimen, pseudo highbrow,
Who hits every news circuit for bogus chit chat
About issues of magnitude in a vague way?

You’re a mouse of the law with dentures meant to gnaw
At the heart of pure logic and plain common sense.
To demean the demented is not why I write.
But, you give lousy counsel. Your defense is trite.
My two cents are now offered here at your expense
As you pretend you’re willing to dodge a cat’s paw.

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