The Magic Realist

Hurtful Arguments


Dissolution of family feathers the cap
Of specific world leaders. The United States
Is an opportune land where democracy reigns.
We’re a huge-cunted whore and nobody complains.
It’s a wakeup face slap to know they rule our fates.
Convoluted mechanics leaves us in a trap.

It begins with the family. Tension is there
And has been from the git go. It then preexists
Due to shallow upbringing or character flaw
Or whatever. The human is subject to law.
Any mind kin to Satan’s by nature consists
Of the drive to manipulate over the air.

We’re a nation divided. We know for a fact
That our cold civil warfare world leaders exploit.
Yet we’re doomed to feel helpless. The slow motion pace
Of recovery seconds the slap in the face.
Will we stand for another? The master adroit
At assessing behavior has studied our act.

We’re a door-matted Cancer. Our wide open ways
Means that we swim with creatures that will do us harm.
And when we least expect it we’re arguing for
Or against some tense issue, and we beg for more.
One would think a pandemic would make us disarm
But our strange human nature is damned to amaze.

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