The Magic Realist

Stop Thinking About It

When The Mind Is In Overdrive

When I’m outcome fixated I can’t see beyond
The most unfulfilled present. My thoughts turn to things
That I don’t want and never have. What I must do
Is to alter my thinking, if only I knew
How to do it effectively. But my mind clings
To the now which is past tense where turmoil is spawned.

The cycle become vicious, I learn through its pain.
My receiver must be tuned to the frequency
Of the righteous transmitting of infinite grace.
Every bit of the whole process I must embrace.
Forever on the leading edge of what’s to be,
How can I stop resistance for maximum gain?

Energy that creates worlds is flowing through me.
Why rely on someone for the life I desire?
I create my experiences while awake,
Yet unconscious of many wrong paths that I take
On the way to fulfillment, wisdom I acquire.
Thoughts I think must align with who I want to be.

The process of achieving must entertain doubt.
The resistance it offers may cause me to think.
“Show me, then I’ll believe it.” It works not that way.
“Just stop thinking about it throughout the whole day,
Then with infinite forces, you’ll be well in sync.”
I can know that in good time, good things will work out.

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