The Magic Realist

Daily Mantras


When I ask it is given but I have to be
In the receptive mode before I can partake
Of the blessings God offers. If there’s resistance
In my asking it’s as if I don’t stand a chance
Of receiving. This habit of mine I must break
And I will get rid of it eventually.

I’m perfect the way I am – the way God made me
So I don’t need to seek perfection anywhere
But within me then everything else is just fine.
I cannot lose my connection with the divine
In fact we are quite an inseparable pair
Though there are certain times when we do not agree.

God is never wrong and anytime that I feel
Negative emotion I know that I’m not in
Alignment with God’s version of what I perceive
And since all good comes from God I have to believe
In redemption from having lived a life of sin.
I do not want to make of my life an ordeal.

I feel that I’m not good enough as I recall
My past insane behavior. It causes me pain
To do so. I’d much rather think that I’m okay.
A life of misery is a huge price to pay
For the past. There’s no goal that I need to attain.
What I contribute to life I pray isn’t small.

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