The Magic Realist

Be Surprised And Delighted

Life Wants To Do You

When you want something badly, it’s not quite the way
To prepare to receive it. When you’re excited
About sifting and sorting through preferences
That your life offers you, your joy then commences.
You are on earth to Be Surprised And Delighted.
Let the universe pleasure you throughout your day.

You may choose making things happen physically
Verses letting the universe bring them to you.
But why go through the struggle of getting things done
When the universe knows you should be having fun
On your journey through living. In all that you do,
Be in touch with your true self spiritually.

Think about what you want and especially why.
Imagine it coming about and believe
In the feeling it gives you as you now daydream.
Things can come rather quickly. Just flow with the stream
Rather than against it. Only good you’ll receive.
Letting go of the effort allows you to fly.

The more detailed you are when you’re feeling your best,
The more fun and more quickly the energy moves.
And the more ‘hands on’ feeling in molding your clay
The more that you will manifest. This is the way
You were meant to create here. Your living improves,
And the powers eternal are at your behest.

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