The Magic Realist

A Message For These Times

Guidance Through Turbulent Momentum

Many roads lead to nowhere as the momentum
Of the fluid uncertainty bathes the weakness
In the soul of humanity. How could one not
Notice and respond to it. Somehow we are caught
In a sea of confusion, hatred, and distress.
Do we need to be fearful of what is to come?

…Not if it’s just a snapshot of how things appear
At this moment in history. The injustice
Cannot go away prior to feeling relief
From all thoughts that have grown to a rigid belief.
Those that do not feel helpful I need to dismiss.
I create my own existential atmosphere.

This journey is more fun than it is not, so I
Can keep reaching for better. To get out ahead
Of whatever is happening is to pre-pave
How my next moments unfold and how I’ll behave
No matter what the circumstance. Life I can tread
From a place of alignment where I need not try.

Constant knee jerk responding to talk in the news
Is the way to keep focused on how things are now.
At a turning point we are, and whichever way
It can turn is my pleasure, which means I will stay
In the state of receiving. The love I allow
Keeps me free of the turmoil. Thus I cannot lose.

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