The Magic Realist

Time To Listen

Trying To Hear

The question I’ve been asking I’ve been asking for
Such a long time. I keep asking but the answer
Isn’t coming. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
The intention I have when I’m asking is strong
Still, receiving information doesn’t occur.
Are there some other avenues I could explore?

Yes. There are some. But the thing you must understand
Is that you’re a radar that transmits and receives
Which means you can’t do both at the same time. You must
Be quiet to receive and be willing to trust
That answers are forthcoming. Be one who believes
In this truth and the world will be at your command.

Listen up. There’s a message coming to you from
Deep within you. Make quiet your mind and you’ll hear
What you need for the moment. Need you listen to
The world’s chaos and its negative point of view?
Just get quiet. The message becomes loud and clear.
You have only your noisy mind to overcome.

Find relief from the chatter through meditation
Or something nonresistant yet satisfying.
While you’re not trying and when you least expect it
You’ll receive something that is to your benefit.
You can get the most out of life by applying
Some patience while awaiting manifestation.

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