The Magic Realist

Thought Is Yours

Joyful Imagining

Everything that is in the universe vibrates.
The magic of your cell phone will demonstrate this.
Electrons move at light speed. With the naked eye,
You perceive things as solid and may not care why
Everything is in motion. You cannot dismiss
The reality of how the world operates.

At the atomic level, things are quite alive.
There’s a dance going on with everything you see.
There are things that exist that you cannot perceive,
But in high-definition signals you believe.
This is how you experience reality.
It is like data stored on you solid state drive.

Think of all your relationships. What constitutes
Your connection with all of them? It’s only thought.
Everything that has happened to you until now
Is through your mind. Does this knowledge raise an eyebrow?
It’s an amazing thing what your thinking has brought
To your present reality its attributes.

Thought Is Yours to do anything with that you please,
And when you use your thought in cooperation
With the laws of the universe, you will vibrate
To the tune of your calling, and you will create
A better world around you. Start having more fun.
Get accustomed to how your inner being sees.

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