The Magic Realist

The Magic Of Focus

Arial Target

When you’re in the middle of events, actions, and
Conversations you’re already too far along
The path to make big changes so be satisfied
With the here and now. You alone get to decide
Where to focus. Your power to do so is strong.
By focus consciousness is able to expand.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are or it isn’t so you
Must decide which it is and do something about
Your vibration if you have some lingering doubt
Of the infinite power that you’ve access to.
You achieve what you want through your conscious intent.

This vibration that’s at the root of everything
That you’re living is going to grow and evolve
Into something that you can fully recognize
As a manifestation. As you realize
What you can do then any problem you can solve.
Be delighted by what your vibration can bring.

“Hokus Pokus… Now Focus,” mom says to her young
As she gets them ready to get on the airplane.
You can look at life this way because it’s magic
When you focus. At this you cannot shake a stick
But a magic wand only. There’s so much to gain
When the song of your intimate focus is sung.

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