The Magic Realist

Starting Your Day

Beginning The Segment

When you first start out your day – anytime, really –
You get to choose which frequency you will tune to.
Things are already moving. Law of Attraction
Picks up right from where you are. If nothing is done
To align yourself with the better part of you,
Then the peace that you would have will not come to be.

If you had an argument with someone last night
Then you start that whole ball of wax over again
By defending yourself and by justifying
Just how wrong they were, then you’re only denying
Yourself of who you really are. You will know when
The events of the present day don’t turn out right.

In the same way, you can’t tune your radio dial
To ninety-seven FM and expect to hear
What’s broadcasted on ninety-five FM because
The frequencies are different. These are the laws
Of the physics of this world. It’s perfectly clear
That you should choose a frequency that is worthwhile.

And that’s easy. You simply have to be aware
Of your point of attraction, and then do something
About it if it’s tainted. You evaluate
How you feel in each moment. You get to create
Your experience, and it’s exhilarating
To behold life improving because of your care.

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