The Magic Realist

Say These Exact Words

Verbal Expression

Be the deliberate creator of your own
Life experience. You have a legacy of
Wellbeing that is huge. You may doubt that it’s true
Because of tons of evidence all around you
That cause you to believe otherwise. If you love
To be happy you must be positively prone.

You are more than you know but you have probably
Suspected for a long time that this might be so.
You are different than you know yourself to be.
Of a wealth of wellbeing you are most worthy.
It is now time for you to allow it to flow
Into you life. To do so you’re perfectly free.

You can say to the universe, “If I’m so good
Then show me.”
Let yourself hope for outrageously

Wonderful things to come to you. Speak your desire
Into meaning. You have at your back the entire
Universe. You were meant to live you life with glee.
Every part of you knows you absolutely should.

“If I’m a blessed being then let the blessing
Pour upon me.”
You just have to play this game a

Little differently. The slightest little shift
In your understanding is an outstanding gift
To yourself and all that exists. Speaking this way
To it is the wellbeing that you’re expressing.

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