The Magic Realist

Navigate The Splitting Prism

Handling The Coming Change

Everything in the universe operates on
Resonance of energy, and the transmission
Is from the higher mind. The body receives it
Like an antenna. It hesitates not one bit
To turn it into passion for getting things done.
The conclusion that it’s a good thing is foregone.

Energetic transmissions from the higher mind
Occur often throughout our entire time here.
Each of us is a prism that changes white light
Into visible spectra and novel insight.
When one becomes excited the vision is clear.
Creativity, love, and passion one will find.

Physical action is needed to seal the deal.
It completes the circuit, and the actions you take
Are aligned with the reality you prefer
Instead of wishing and hoping things will occur.
Your translation of pure light can never be fake
But the action is needed to make the dream real.

This is how you Navigate The Splitting Prism.
By acting on your passion you will become whole.
Everyday you move closer to what is ideal
But along the way you have the option to feel
The wonderfulness of life deep down in your soul
Where the purest of everything you need comes from.

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