The Magic Realist

Manifestation Space

The Field of Creation

Memories and impulses that are unconscious
Are the dark matter filling the space of the mind.
Derived from ancestral memory in the brain,
Common experiences it’s known to contain.
In all air breathing humans the space is designed
By our genetic nature. At times, it’s a plus.

We would all like to feel good rather than not so
And we all have our images, most similar
In their themes and in detail of how that would look.
People are free to author their own storybook.
The collective unconscious is nothing bizarre.
That there’s something that binds us is healthy to know.

People who are not fear based don’t need to express
Domination. It means they doubt they have power.
So brute force is the only way they can relate.
It is much easier to learn how to create
What you want through your focus in every hour.
At any given moment you have full access.

Those who are in denial that they are in denial
That their fear based beliefs are turning them into
Negative manifesters are way too many.
Manifestation Space is known by you and me
At an unconscious level. The least we can do
Is to come up with some way to make people smile.

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