The Magic Realist

Living Masterpiece

Personal Expression

Your Vortex of Creation is your masterpiece.
You’re the artist, the musician, and the actor
In a world class performance while live and on stage
With other entertainers who love to engage
In expressive activity. What could be more
Satisfying a form of energy release?

If you don’t have enough money what do you do
To maintain your existence? You need to pay rent
And keep food on the table. Don’t think about it.
Negative emotion will not help you one bit.
Instead of freaking out your time is better spent
Focusing on what brings absolute joy to you.

Your Vortex knows what you want. You’ve been putting there
Incrementally all that you’ve been asking for.
You can access what’s in there by staying happy
Even though it feels like there’s no reason to be.
That’s why you need to focus on what you adore.
Give your Point of Attraction your utmost of care.

Keep your undivided attention on the thing
That consumes and enthralls you. If you wrote a book
That’s not selling then write another one because
The first one wasn’t done according to the laws
Of the universe. You can transform your outlook
To one which is not you with your ass in a sling.

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