The Magic Realist


Mental Contents

A concept is a name or a label that’s used
To identify objects. It’s an idea
Or a mental picture that is agreed upon
By society. Then its elite echelon
Makes it part of the whole verbal diarrhea.
It’s no wonder there is such a word as ‘confused.’

Concepts are produced by the ego thinking mind
That is limited to its perceptually
Created abstractions, language, labels, and names.
To describe and explain things is one of the aims
Of the ego’s agenda. In reality,
Nothing is close to being the name it’s assigned.

It’s true for all phenomena in existence,
Whether physical objects or intangible
Ideas, like spirit, being, or consciousness.
Yet the ego cannot fully function unless
It creates its abstractions. It can be helpful
If one realizes the ego’s concept sense.

Concepts are important and are necessary
For people to communicate and get along
In a world everchanging. Our understanding
That nothing can be as we describe it will bring
Clarity of consciousness. One cannot go wrong
In accepting the ego as illusory.

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